Lionsgate Event Center Wedding
Hazel & Ben | Lionsgate Event Center Wedding
The Lionsgate Event Center is one of the coolest spots in all the land to have a wedding. I have seriously never met a Lionsgate Event Center wedding that I didn’t love! The property is beautiful and they are constantly adding to it and improving the property in the most unique and creative ways. Also, the Lionsgate team is a fantastic, passionate group of people that make each wedding go off without a hitch. I could go on and on endlessly because I have the utmost respect for everything about this venue but I will save some of it for later posts 😊
This particular Lionsgate Event Center wedding was on the Dove House side on a gorgeous August morning. Hazel and Ben chose to use this awesome free-standing door as the center spot for the ceremony and as you can see from the photos, it looked spectacular! These two stick out in my mind because of how true to themselves they are. The décor, the attire and the flow of the day really encapsulated who they are as individuals and as a couple and these are the weddings that really fill my cup. One of the biggest pieces of advice I could give to anyone planning a wedding is to be true to themselves. I don’t want to make a blanket statement because there are exceptions but I have noticed a certain ease to weddings in which couples took their own routes instead of including traditions or components to they day that they wouldn’t have if they had complete freedom.
I consider myself to be an eclectic wedding photographer. I don’t specialize in one type of wedding or client. In fact, I love the element of my job that allows me to meet and work with all types of people and photograph weddings of all varieties. I love large 300 person all day weddings in the same way that I love smaller intimate weddings. Maybe this is why I love any Lionsgate Event Center wedding so much, because of the eclectic nature of the venue and the couples who get married here? All and all a great summer wedding.
If you are looking to book a colorful, candid engagement session or wedding package, I would love to hear from you!