•  First order of business. I am proud and privileged to work with people of all sexes, races, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, body shapes, relationship structures etc ages. Happy to document any loving, consenting marriage.

  • Leading into the next point. Let’s take down the man. Wedding imagery should be diverse and is nowhere near that level.

  • I detest the ‘bride centric’ wedding model etc etc 

  • Tradition is only good meaningful to you.  if it is not hurting anyone or anything else

  • I work best with couples that embrace the photographic experience - this included camera shy and camera disliking people. It’s not a painting from my mind - you get out what you put in. Not a chore, not a woman’s thing 

  • Photojournalist approach takes time and development - I do both depending on time/light restraints 

  • Community over competion

  • Trust and hopefully some level of friendship